Officer Elections
If you are running, please take the time to review the position responsibilities in the Google Doc button to the right. It's important to read this document at length to understand the dynamic of how we operate our board.
To officially declare your candidacy, fill out the candidate application form in "Apply Here!" button below. You can choose to run for either 1, 2, or 3 positions, but make sure you're only applying for positions you feel you are a good fit for. Read the "Position Interest" section carefully before ranking your preferences.
You are also required to create a bio that other members will have access to on this website. Make sure your bios are an appropriate length (i.e. Do not write a novel. No one has time or wants to read that. Short, sweet, and informative is your best bet). Please also send Maya (262-975-0395) a photo to use on the website with your bio. Looking for an example? Check out Devi's candidate bio -->
This year we will also have a nomination process. You can nominate another person who you feel would be an excellent fit for a position. The nomination process is through the same form as the candidacy declaration. We are not releasing nominations publicly and will reach out to them individually to express that someone nominated them and that they should consider running. You are not required to run if you are nominated. A nomination is NOT a declaration of candidacy so if you are nominated you still need to fill out the Candidacy Declaration form. If you'd like to nominate someone please do so by April 26nd so we have time to reach out to them personally and get their candidacy declarations in.
Elections will take place at the end of our banquet which will take place on May 3rd.
Candidates, please be prepared to give a short speech to express why you are interested in your preferred position(s), why you would be a good fit, and what you hope to accomplish in that role. Historically, these speeches have taken different formats such as well-written speeches, haikus, and even friendly (or not) roasts. Try to limit your speech to just a few minutes as many people may be running.
After speeches, due-paying UW students and faculty ONLY will rank every individual running for every position based on who is in that candidate pool and who they think is the best fit. Only active members on the roster who have paid dues are eligible to vote. The winners of each position will be determined based on their cumulative ranking for that role, with consideration given to position preference. Winners will be decided by a majority rules vote. If you win multiple positions, you will be given the position you ranked higher in your application. We will be sharing the link for voting at the banquet in the form of a QR code, if you're unable to attend the banquet but would still like a say in the Wisconsin Gymnastics Club's 2024-2025 Board please text LeAnna at 651-785-7183 in order to receive the link to the voting form :)
The main purpose of our banquet is to have fun celebrating our past season. Therefore, election results will be processed and released later that week so we can enjoy the night's festivities! Results will be out before the end of the semester. (: