In order to keep costs down as much as possible, we participate in numerous fundraising events throughout the year. This page will have sign-up information for upcoming fundraising/volunteer events for our club once information becomes available. All of our fundraisers are super fun, especially when lots of people come, so everyone is encouraged to attend if they can!
Fundraising events from previous years have included ticket scanning, Chipotle/Panera/other restaurant nights, running gymnastics birthday parties/open gyms, and Flip for a Tip (this is where we perform skills in return for donations at Badger football tailgating parties).

Restaurant/Market Nights
These fundraisers are super easy and really help our club! All you have to do is order food from the designated restaurant on the night of the event and show the event flyer at the checkout. Easy peasy! You are also able to order online at these places and enter a promo code to support us. I'm sure your friends also love these restaurants, so make sure you tell them to go and support us on these nights! Take a photo of your receipt and send it to Isaac to receive a fundraising point.
Events for this year (so far):
Chipotle on State St. on Wednesday, November 13
Panera on West Washington on Friday, January 24 (4-8pm)
Naf Naf Gril on State St. on Tuesday, February 21
Birthday Parties
This is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Our club is responsible for running birthday parties for Jump Around, one of the gyms we practice at. Jump Around very kindly makes a donation to the club for this. If you work the party, you will get a fundraising point for your first party and additionally make $20/hr + any tips you receive. The parties take place on Sundays from around 10:30am-2:30pm. Ask a board member if you would like more information.
Flip For A Tip (FFAT)

Flip for a Tip is a super fun fundraiser where we get together 2 hours before kickoff for home football games, walk around the popular tailgating areas for roughly 30-60 minutes, and do flips in exchange for tips! You do not have to know how to do flips in order to participate. We need people to hold the signs, hold the tip jugs, and add hype overall! No sign up is necessary to participate in this fundraiser. All you have to do is show up. Before the event, we will communicate to you all where and when to meet via email, our facebook group, and snapchat. Hope to see you all there!
Our tentative dates and times for FFAT are as follows:
Sat, Sept. 7 at 12:30pm
Sat, Sept. 14 at 9am
Sat, Oct. 5 at 9am
Sat, Oct. 26 at 4:30pm

Ticket Scanning/Floor Crew/Ball Shagging/ Concessions
We usually participate in 1-2 ticket scanning events each year for either hockey or basketball. Ticket scanning involves standing inside the Kohl Center near the entrance and helping people scan their tickets/making sure everyone scans their tickets before entering the arena. In the past, when we have participated in ticket scanning, we have also been given tickets to that game so that all the volunteers can go and watch after the shift ends roughly 10-20 minutes after the game starts. Concessions also take place during hockey and basketball games, and it involves working at one of the concession stands for the duration of the game. You will get free food! Sign-up links will be posted once opportunities become available!
The floor crew helps out at women's volleyball games. They get to be out on the floor and help with any tasks that are needed, but usually involves ball retrieval and wiping courts. This event will take place at the Field House. Ball shagging is similar, except it's for mens and womens soccer and takes place at McClimon Soccer Field. Sign-up links will be posted once opportunities become available!

Tentative dates/times:
M Soccer Sat, Sept 21 @ 5:15pm
M Soccer Fri, Oct 4 @ 6:15pm
W Volleyball Fri, Nov 8 @ 6pm​